Have you ever wondered what your song would sound like with quality virtual instruments?

Would you like to have access to 1000’s of quality Virtual Instruments and Audio Plugins?

Would like help with your MIDI file?

If you have a MIDI file of your work and want to have this converted to high quality Audio with Studio Grade Virtual Instruments or you are missing that particular sound in your VST Library, please drop me a line. You will have access to my complete collection at very competitive rates and in some cases FOC. You can either rent my studio in Milton Keynes by the hour or forward your track so we can discuss the sound you are after, the virtual instruments required and I will complete the track with you!

Many established and aspiring composers have already reached out for a bit of help or in some cases to collaborate on some interesting projects.

Check the selection of VST’s and plugins available on their individual pages.

Please note that I am not offering any VST’s or Plugins for sale nor offer any copies of the actual software - If you want to purchase these, links to the relevant developers have been provided.